Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When you do what you love...

When you do what you love...you live your dream.  Are you chasing your dreams? Or have you settled to a colorless, bland life? 
I take life with all its different colors and flavors. Sometimes dark and bitter, other times bright and sweet.   Living life in the full color spectrum, adding sparkle to every action takes you closer to that dream.  Look around you, are your surroundings in HD color or are you still in monotone black & white...colorized selectively in certain areas? Wouldn't it be a better picture if in high definition and vibrantly colorful? 

When you do what you love....you radiate vitality in every action! You are envisioning a dream....YOUR dream.
Dare to step in a rainbow of opportunities that will take you places beyond belief.
I can honestly say I have decorated my life with many colors because I have found what drives me through ART. This is my venue of expression, my inspiration, my instrument of peace, my devotion, my passion....it is what has saved me.

My dream is to inspire others to find their true colors...those that enhance their mood and help them conquer their own dreams.

Dream to do what you love and live the dream.

When you do what you love...you become the irresistible lover, the one they won't be able to get out of their minds, the one they can't get enough of, the one they can't live without...because to them you are THE ONE.

THE ONE to make a difference in others just by doing what you LOVE.

And when you do what you love...you are loving and living in full color!


  1. Colors are like snowflakes and fingerprints. No two are alike. There is a wide array to choose from. Try until you find the right shade for you. Never settle. Be the color that you are. The color that you love.

  2. I have yet to find my color. Today my color is PINK.

  3. I think you are an explosion of hot colors!
